Turning the Page

December 16, 2016

by Ying Wang

As part of FleishmanHillard’s global commitment to social inclusion, our Beijing and Shanghai offices have designed and joined various inclusion programs. Our hope is to unite our colleagues across our network to make a collective impact on local communities, as we believe inclusion leads to a better life.

This September, we found a local partner, “The Future Kingdom – New Citizen Program (NCP),” a passionate and devoted team committed to providing high-quality and diversified education and learning opportunities for migrant children in cities. Supported by volunteers, NCP organizes various public welfare projects and local community activities mainly for the migrant children group. Its flagship program, The Future Kingdom Reading Carnival, includes a series of reading-related games tailored for children aged from 7 to 13.


Our Reading Carnival was held at Beijing Blue Sky Feng Yuan School, a primary school for migrant children in Fengtai District, Beijing. Our volunteers led fun games, having children participate in reading activities to earn “currency” that could be used at the trading post to purchase books. Other game sessions required the children to perform calculations, answer questions related to financial issues and even to bargain. Children loved the chance to win a book instead of getting one for free.

The Reading Carnival aims to help raise children’s interest in reading through creative games, as well as raise their financial awareness.


The carnival incorporates fun and recreation into the reading experience and financial knowledge lectures, which is also one of the reasons that why we chose the NCP program. It enables the personal growth of our employees and demonstrates our commitment to local communities as a good corporate citizen.

As volunteers, it was a great opportunity to get closer to these children and help them. Our #FH4Inclusion journey shows us the potential barriers of  access to reading and education resources migrant children may face and let us know how each of us can inspire and support a more inclusive community.